Gyotaku Workshops
Register for:
November 30 or December 5
November 30, Saturday 1-3pm
December 5, Thursday 5-7pm
Transforming real fish forms; learn the traditional Japanese art of creating art prints from real fish. You will learn how to handle the special Washi (Japanese paper), paint and the fish to make several of your own prints.
- No experience necessary
- 6 yr and up (with supervision)
- All materials provided (Washi, Sumi ink or paint, brushes, real fish)
Gyotaku Workshops
Transforming real fish forms; learn the traditional Japanese art of creating art prints from real fish. You will learn how to handle the special Washi (Japanese paper), paint and the fish to make several of your own prints.
- No experience necessary
- 6 yr and up (with supervision)
- All materials provided (Washi, Sumi ink or paint, brushes, real fish)
cyanotype Workshops
Saturday July 8, 2023 12:00-2:00 pm
Join us for this exciting Cyanotype workshop in collaboration with Gallery 881. This is an all ages event. We encourage families and friends to join us as we use the power of the sun to make art! At the end of the workshop, we will present the artwork in Gallery 881 for the day of the event.
What is a Cyanotype?
Cyanotype is one of the oldest photographic processes that does not require a camera. Your project gets exposed to the sun to create beautiful images on light-sensitive paper, fabric, or other mediums.
Materials are supplied however, bringing your own objects to expose will surely personalize your pieces. These could include film negatives and film positives printed from a home printer or any image printed on transparent film. Organic matter such as leaves, flowers, feathers and branches. Other 3D objects such as small toys, shells, glass, lace, papers or just about anything that will fit on your surface and block or filter UV light will work. Different objects and exposure times create interesting, spontaneous and unpredictable results. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Yes an online Gyotaku Workshop! From anywhere in the world you can join in and experience the delight of printing from nature.
Look what was created in Mexico and Germany.
Our next course will be in September so stay tuned for dates.......
Vancouver Japanese Language Hall - 487 Alexander Street, Vancouver
ongoing Gyotaku Workshops Spring 2024
Dates: March 24, 31 and April 7, 14, and 28
Seiko Boutique Project, Frankfurt, Germany
~ Workshops August 4,5,6, 2022 ~
Nippon Connection International Japanese Film Festival Frankfurt, Germany
~Workshops May 27, 28, 2022~
Vancouver Japanese Language Hall & School
~Workshop November 26, 2021~
Vancouver Maritime Museum
"If I Lived in the Ocean"
~Workshops July - October 2021~